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Author: Debby Penton

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5th February 2018

When creativity strikes

Working in PR, I’ve spent a lot of time over the years researching the best ways to generate ideas. And being in an agency a

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Debby Penton
14th June 2017

Disrupt or be disrupted: every company should be a technology company now

The rapid pace of digital disruption is creating exciting opportunities everywhere and certainly making our lives as consumers easier, but it also presents new risks

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Debby Penton
9th June 2017

From AVE to attribution – the PR measurement debate rattles on

There is a lot of excitement in the PR media this week about the controversy around banning AVE as a form of PR measurement. However,

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Debby Penton
26th September 2016

PR and the science of personality

Digital communication has made PR increasingly measureable and focused on business impact, but true client satisfaction is rare without the underpinning of a strong client-agency

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Debby Penton