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Author: Debby Penton

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5th November 2015

PR director of the future: How can PR professionals maintain control?

PR manager, Perveen Akhtar, joined Intel 10 years ago. Here she tells us about how things have changed during that time and how she feels

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Debby Penton
5th November 2015

PR director of the future: Is ‘integrated communications’ the future?

In our third blog in the ‘PR director of the future’ series, we spoke to Nick Bowman, senior manager of Corporate Communications at F5 Networks

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Debby Penton Profile Image
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Debby Penton
5th November 2015

PR director of the future: is the CMO eating the PR director’s lunch?

In the first of our ‘PR director of the future’ blog series, we spoke to Arun Sudhaman, editor in chief at the Holmes Report –

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Debby Penton Profile Image
Written by
Debby Penton
6th May 2015

Why aren’t traditional PR tactics enough any more?

“Traditional” has become a bit of a dirty word in PR terms. It implies the reliance on old school tactics in today’s complex media environment.

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Written by
Debby Penton