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Author: Debby Penton

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20th November 2014

PR is NOT a lead generation tool

Don’t get caught up in last click attribution when trying to measure the impact of PR In my last blog post I talked about how

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Debby Penton
12th November 2014

We are going to do inbound marketing, so why would we need PR?

Inbound marketing is the latest big thing when it comes to B2B marketing and lead generation. And the tech sector is hot for it. Recent

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Debby Penton
6th March 2014

Surely tech companies aren’t still missing the point of social media?

Now that even your Mum is on Twitter, and every TV programme advertises a hashtag, you’d think that those “early adopters” in the tech community

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Debby Penton
21st November 2013

SEO: Hot for PR or not?

SEO is right up there with hot PR topics for the PR industry, along with measurement, social media and content marketing. But regular changes from

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Debby Penton