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Author: Debby Penton

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18th May 2012

The EML Wildfire Graduate Scheme 2012

If you’re a recent graduate or are graduating this year and passionate about working in the PR industry, then this post is for you. Today,

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Written by
Debby Penton
16th February 2012

Don’t just link. Engage! #smwldn

Yesterday, I joined the hoards of people getting involved with Social Media Week London and attended a session called Thought Leadership and the role of

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Debby Penton
15th November 2011

When I was an AE….

The changing role of a technology PR exec and the potential impact on a client’s organisation means I’m increasingly finding myself wishing I could be

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Written by
Debby Penton
2nd August 2011

To merge or not to merge, that is the question: Six tips if the answer is ‘Yes’

International tech PR agency, EML Wildfire has been around now for three short months, and so far so good. Je ne regrette rien! And while

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Written by
Debby Penton