In 2013 you'll take your PC to work, get hacked and network at work
Deloitte has revealed its 2013 predictions for the technology sector.Some of the predictions in its Technology, Media and Telecommunications report will not come as a surprise; like the fact smartphone users check their phone over 30 times a day for shorter periods than those logging onto a PC. But there are also some interesting highlights that really stood out to us here at EML Wildfire. Here’s our roundup:
- PCs are not dead – The PC is still more popular than tablets and smartphones. Some 1.6 billion PCs will be in use this year and only a quarter of a billion tablets.
- Bad news for BYOC – while more than 50 per cent of Fortune 500 companies will allow employees to bring their own computers to work, very few other companies will adopt this policy in 2013. The main reason? Privacy.
- Hacking – According to Deloitte, 90 per cent of user-generated passwords, even those considered strong by IT departments, will be vulnerable this year. In Deloitte’s study of six million actual user-generated passwords, the 10,000 most common ones would have accessed 98 per cent of all accounts. This is most often down to password re-use. The average user has 26 password accounts but only uses five different passwords.
- Networking at work - Enterprise Social Networking is on the increase. More than 90 per cent of Fortune 500 companies will have partially or fully implemented an ESN this year. This is a 70 per cent increase since 2011. According to the research, more needs to be done to encourage staff to embrace ESNs as only five per cent of users create 75 per cent of the content.
See tomorrow’s blog for the next instalment where we’ll pull out some of the highlights from the telecommunications section of the report.Photo courtesy of Charles Williams.