Say hello to EML Wildfire's new PR dashboard
For such an established industry, PR can be pretty lax about tracking KPIs and metrics. Too often businesses fail to properly identify where PR can have an impact and what that impact should be. The reason for ‘doing PR’ becomes fluffy and isn’t aligned to business goals. And the result is that campaigns fail to deliver and attempts to prove ROI prove impossible.At EML Wildfire we've always believed that any investment you make needs to have an impact on your bottom line, and in this regard, PR is no different. That’s why we’ve developed and honed an approach that ensures our activity delivers results that helps impact your sales funnel at every stage and where we try to measure the real-time business impact of your PR activity – not just in traditional column inches. In any campaign we aim to measure outputs (what we have delivered), outcomes (what these outputs achieved) and the impact of our activity, with an array of metrics.Thanks to the coding talent within our team, we've been able to take our KPI tracking to a new level with the creation of the brand new EML Wildfire PR dashboard. This proprietary online campaign management tool allows us to offer clients an instant ‘dashboard’ view of their PR campaign that they can log into at any time via a web browser. The dashboard works in sync with our detailed work-in-progress (WIP) reports and allow us to track a number of KPIs in real-time including:
- Output based targets
- Google Analytics data
- Social media data
- Online media coverage
- SEO metrics
Tracking Google Analytics also allows us to pull in conversion points/goal data to track content downloads etc.Ultimately the PR dashboard provides a very visual, easy to understand, 'management friendly' interface to reflect the complex planning and evaluation occurring on a campaign.We're really excited about the dashboard's potential and from what we've heard from our friends in the industry there's nothing else like it out there.A number of clients have been involved in trials and debugging over the summer and have given us really positive feedback.If you're interested in a demo please get in touch.