What would you choose? iPhone or Android?

Earlier this week CNET reported some leaked internal research from Apple.Despite Apple leap frogging Microsoft as the most valuable company in history, the research seems to suggest that, contrary to public opinion, not everyone is after an iPhone. Instead it would seem that nearly half of us who once thought the iPhone was our only option, ended up buying an Android handset.While we don't know the exact number of people polled at Apple, it does raise some interesting questions regarding brand loyalty.The survey came at a time when the iPhone was only available through the AT&T network across the pond and so the main reason for people choosing Android was to stay with their current service provider.

How do you buy?

In recent consumer research carried out by the team here at EML Wildfire we found similar findings when looking at consumer tech buying habits. People are buying like for like from the same brand in order to replace an item when they know they have had good customer service from the provider/manufacturer.Coupled with the importance of friends and family on consumer tech purchases, it is no longer product functionality or marketing spend alone which enhances a buying decision.Looking at the figures from Apple it is clear that Google is using this to its advantage with a massive 36% of people choosing Android doing so because of the trust they have in the Google brand. It is interesting timing for this research to hit the news as, in stark contradiction, HTC is reeling from a 70% share loss after dominating the Android market for so long.This could be the opening competitors such as Samsung, RIM and Nokia have been waiting for…

Money, money, money

The Apple research focussed entirely on the differing features between the two products but the one big question mark is still price. Those looking for a cheaper option to the iPhone will regularly turn to the Android market for an alternative. Our findings show that almost 81% of consumers see this as their main barrier to buying new technology and the key factor they listen to when making the decision.It would be interesting to see the Apple response to this….See the EML Widlfire Consumer Tech Buying report for more details.Photo courtesy of Johan Larrson


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