Google Android (HTC G1) vs. Apple iPhone
There's little to seperate these two phones in price. But Apple, once again, has pipped everyone to the post in the usability stakes, at the cost of making a completely closed system. The G1 totally lacks Multitouch. Also, without significant multimedia capabilities, the G1 is little more than the first phone that Google could get onto the market. Good browsing is nice, but shouldn't we expect this by now?
It never rains but it pours...
I recently returned from a week off to immediately face a 12-hour press-tour and a trip to Ireland. I can safely say I've never had such a tiring week. My colleague Siobhan, who was with me in Dublin, is now jetting-off for a two-day business trip to Amsterdam. Frankly I don't know where she finds the stamina.International travel is tiring. By all means get involved in PR for the international glamour. But I'll be happy not to have to do it again for a while.